"We are in the universe and the universe is in us.“
About the lessons
Time flows in mysterious ways; both forwards in cycles.
Every person has an innate interest in the world around us: in nature, in physical phenomena and in the universe as a whole. Our beloved children remind us of this fact every day; through their curiosity and questions we adults also have the opportunity to think about not only matters of everyday earthly life but also about the heavens and the cosmos.
At around the age of 4 every child goes through a so-called ‘sensitive phase’ during which the topic of space, stars and even space rockets is of great interest to them. They are full of questions and these are questions that not every parent can answer. For this reason I offer the chance to give an insight into the universe directly in kindergartens and elementary schools in a fun, playful and child friendly way.
I will bring the most exciting and interesting parts of the universe directly to you! Just as everything in the universe spins, we will spin with the children until all of our heads are spinning too! I will introduce the children to the family of the Sun and its planets, the craters on Mercury, the heat on Venus, Olympus Mons on Mars, the Great Red Spot on Jupiter, the rings of Saturn, we will roll like Uranus and feel the wind of Neptune! We will illustrate the change from day to night, look at the world through different types of telescopes and even draw a constellation together. All that and much, much more…

About the universe and me…
When I was little I wanted to be able to ‘read the stars’. It took me a few years but when my 3 sons became interested in space I finally remembered and achieved my dream! I thank my boys from the bottom of my heart for their space questions and I love them to the end of the universe.
Before coming back to space I had the chance to learn 4 languages, earned a degree in management and for 15 years I have led my family space crew on their journey through the cosmos. From Malacky in Slovakia we flew with my husband and three sons to Bad Deutsch-Altenburg in Austria, where we have lived for 10 years. I finished my astronomical education with a stellar degree at the Slovak Central Observatory in Hurbanovo in 2019. Besides passing on my astronomical knowledge to children with joy and love, I now help to build and maintain cultural bridges between Austria and Slovakia within the Interreg program of the European Union.
Do you have astronomical questions? Bring it on!
Don't hesitate to contact me.
With our lectures and activities to popularize astronomy, we bring knowledge about astronomy to kindergarten and elementary school children in a fun and entertaining way full of light, color and movement.
We listen to children’s questions with love, understanding, and respect, and our answers help them explore our beautiful world in ways they can understand.
To increase children’s awareness of and interest in topics related to the universe as a whole, the stars, the planets, the moon, and other celestial bodies. To teach them about the changing of day and night and the movements and properties of the heavenly bodies.
As we call out to the universe, we will find that it calls back to us…. 🙂

The Children's House - International Montessori Kindergarten, Bratislava, Slovakia
Primary school Mudroňova, Bratislava
Deutsche Schule Bratislava, Slovakia
Kindergarten Zohor, Slovakia
Kindergarten Vysoká pri Morave, Slovakia
Primary School Častá, Slovakia
Children's center Vrakuňáčik, Slovakia
Kindergarten Nepoškvrneného počatia Panny Márie in Malacky, Slovakia
Kindergarten Sedlitzkygasse, Vienna, Austria
Hort Kornauthgasse, Vienna, Austria
Rainbow Kindergarten, Bratislava, Slovakia
Children's center Dostojevského, Bratislava, Slovakia
Kindergarten Bad Deutsch-Altenburg, Austria
Kindergarten Stopfenreuth, Austria
4a - Primary school Kittsee

4c - Primary school Kittsee

Privat school Naša škola poznania

Primary school Corneliusgasse

Kindergarten Lassee

Children from the school and the kindergarten Deutsche Schule Tenerife
Canary Islands, Spain

Kindergarten Marianne
Kindergarten Čataj
Kindergarten J.A.Komensky

Kindergarten L.Sáru 3

Kindergarten Heidi

Kindergarten Maria Himmelfahrt

Kindergarten J.Smreka, Devínska Nová Ves

Kindergarten Klitschgasse
The Children's House - International Montessori Kindergarten
Kindergarten Bloch-Bauer-Promenade

Children's Center Dostojevského
Church school in Malacky
Kindergarten Zohor
Kindergarten Vysoká pri Morave
Anička Klasová, Klass 3B, Primary school Častá
Deutsche Schule Bratislava
Kindergarten Sedlitzkygasse

Children's Club Kornauthgasse
Rainbow Kindergarten
Cambridge Kindergarten - Funiversity
Bratislava, Horský park
Cambridge Kindergarten - Funiversity
Bratislava, Old town
Kindergarten Waldmühle Rodaun
Kindergarten Osloboditeľská
Kindergarten Eipeldauer Straße
Kindergarten Jakubov